Customer Journey Management

Understanding customer touchpoints as an orchestrated journey
KPI management along the customer journey as success factor

From selling a commodity to creating an experience, selling a story and increasing customer value describes the required paradigm shift in B2C and B2B customer relationships. All touchpoints (people, digital, traditional media and processes) must be orchestrated along individual customer journeys to create consistent customer & brand experience. Single touchpoint quality level (e.g. lead time order handling) affect conversion rates (e.g. from quote to order) and impacting companies overall business performance. The impact of awareness campaigns can be destroyed by one poor human behavior at the customer touchpoint.

Net Promotor Score & Customer Success Metrics

Customer evaluation groups and NPS formula to measure customer engagement
Companies that utilized the NPS concept tend to be more successfull

The NPS (Net Promoter Score) has become one of the leading KPIs when it comes to measure a companies’ performance along the customer journey – used by the most successful companies of the 21st century. In our understanding the NPS is not just a KPI but a process that helps to improve your customer experience management resulting in better reputation, higher brand awareness and customers loyalty.

Social Commerce / Network Marketing

Network marketing can make the difference in a variety of applications
Identifying relevant content and the right influencers is key

At graphika we consider ourselves the cartographers of the 21st century. Our mission is the mapping of the so called cyber-social terrain. In the industry, we are known as a social media transparency tool, which uses our patented graphika algorithm to analyze network structures on social media, identifying communities with high affinity for specific topics or brands. These investigations form the basis for the identification of digital target groups, influencers, relevant content and conversations.

Brand Steering Wheel

Brand Key: The foundation for a strategic and operative brand steering
Golden Circle: Less comprehensive but more focused on the reason for being.

There are more than a million registered brands in Europe. New brands are emerging on a daily basis, while others are simultaneously disappearing again. The reasons for this vary from brand to brand, but all of them have one thing in common: Every brand is trying to reach as many people as it can. The best-case scenario for a company is to become its customers’ favourite brand, ideally over several generations. What’s needed for such success stories is evident: the product and the people behind it must be special, while the communication must be relevant and to a certain extent extraordinary. With the right experts, tools and a little discipline, any company can become a trusted (favourite) brand.

    Etiam magna arcu, ullamcorper ut pulvinar et, ornare sit amet ligula. Aliquam vitae bibendum lorem. Cras id dui lectus. Pellentesque nec felis tristique urna lacinia sollicitudin ac ac ex. Maecenas mattis faucibus condimentum. Curabitur imperdiet felis at est posuere bibendum. Sed quis nulla tellus.


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